Is it time to try Couples Counseling?
To be honest, if this thought is crossing your mind, you probably already know the answer. And the answer is - every couple can benefit from therapy. You don’t need to be in a world of problems to seek out professional help.
However, if you aren’t sure whether you’ll benefit from couples counseling, we’ll share a few reasons below:
You Fight Non-Stop
If you can’t have one conversation without fighting, there is problems something bigger going on that you’ll have to pinpoint. A therapist acts as a great mediator that will guide the conversation and make sure that both parties are being heard.
You Pretend Everything is Fine
This could be a scary avenue because in many cases the partner isn’t even aware that only one person is in fact enjoying the relationship. Pretending everything is fine shows that you don’t know how to communicate your needs to your partner or you’re afraid that your request might be rejected. A therapist could help both parties communicate clearly.
Trust has been Broken
If something happened that caused turmoil in the relationship, counseling is a good way to work through the incident. Many couples seek out help if infidelity happened, or one has been caught in a lie or string of lies.
You’re Stuck on Repeat
The same issues coming up time and time again could indicate a bigger problem that’s not being discussed. You’ll keep having the same fight you don’t look for ways to proactively address the issue. Again, a therapist can help guide this conversation.