Pornography Gone Viral: Is it a Problem?
Save the date: 10/25 from 1-2pm at Millersville University’s Annual International Policy Conference
Topic Description:
Last year, PornHub (the largest online pornography platform) released statistics reporting 81 million daily average views, with the United States accounting for the largest portion of viewers. On social media platforms, we’re bombarded with messages about who is “sexy” and what sex should look like. As clinicians, we work with clients who may be struggling with unpacking the messages they receive about sex, messages which can have negative impacts on their own sexuality and their relationships. This presentation will provide resources and evidence-based tools to examine whether pornography usage is out of control, answer questions, and facilitate a dialogue that all too often goes undiscussed due to its taboo nature.
This presentation will:
- Feature statistics about pornography use, search terminology data, and social media platforms used to access pornography
- Discuss individual, emotional, and relational impacts for our clients
- Describe criteria for defining out of control sexual behavior and deciding when treatment is needed
- Examine alternatives to pornography and how to discuss them with our clients
- Add evidence-based assessments and interventions to our toolbox
About the Presenter
Laura Morse, LPC is a sex and relationship therapist working in private practice in Lancaster, PA. Almost daily, the topic of pornography and “what’s normal” or “am I normal” comes up during her clients’ sessions. She aims to help individuals and couples open up the questions to evaluate pornography’s role in their lives.