Are you Struggling with an Eating Disorder in Lancaster PA?

Are you struggling with healthy eating habits?  If so, you’re not alone - and there’s help you can receive from a licensed therapist.  Healthy eating habits can be difficult if you’re struggling with a busy lifestyle, anxieties, or other life challenges.   

How do I know if I have an eating disorder?  The fact that you’re asking the question probably means you’re wondering how to gain a healthier relationship with food.  We applaud you in taking the first step to evaluate your lifestyle patterns.  Our bodies are fueled by the nutrients we put into them - so it’s imperative that we evaluate sustainable and healthy habits.   

What is an eating disorder? Eating disorders are characterized by abnormal and unhealthy eating habits, and are extremely harmful to those who suffer from them.  This can look like so many different habits - and by working with a licensed therapist they can evaluate and help you make a healthy plan. 

You may be asking - how common are they?  A recent study showed that one third of people who suffer from bulimia, 20% of people afflicted with binge eating disorder, and 11.8% of individuals with non-bulimic/non binge related eating disorders had experienced significant childhood trauma, and met the criteria for lifetime PTSD (Mitche et. al.).  

Can trauma cause an eating disorder? While not all people who suffer from an eating disorder have experienced trauma before, there is definitely a connection between the two.  Specific types of trauma can include sexual assault or harassment, physical or emotional abuse, teasing and bullying, and neglect.  The exact reason for this connection is not known, but it is known that trauma can cause a disruption in the nervous system which may make it difficult to manage emotions, thus causing some individuals to turn to addictive behaviors, like eating disorders. 

What kind of help can I receive for an eating disorder? All of this is usually treated with a combination of intensive CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy, and medications.  EMDR therapy is another treatment option, and one that is available at SunPoint Wellness.  EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, and the practice uses technology that encourages the brain to alter the way it lets trauma physically affect it.  It has proven to be incredibly effective when helping patients process traumatic experiences.  

Who else can you collaborate with to help me with healthy eating?  The therapists at Sun Point commonly collaborate with nutritionists, registered dietitians, medical doctors, and treatment facilities in order to offer the best therapeutic experience. We’re happy to work with a therapeutic team to offer you holistic recovery to honor a healthy relationship with food.

Counselors trained in both eating disorders, healthy eating & EMDR therapy are available to schedule by visiting or by emailing

Mitchell KS, Mazzeo SE, Schlesinger MR, Brewerton TD, Smith BN. Comorbidity of partial and subthreshold PTSD among men and women with eating disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey-Replication Study. The International Journal of Eating Disorders. 2012;45(3):307-315. doi:10.1002/eat.20965.

Article By: Zoe Lamonte, BA - Franklin & Marshall College